The Robotic Oracle

t’s a modern miracle!
Germ-free palm reading that predicts your future!
Using real-world data with DNA swabbed from dead clairvoyants’ graves!
More accurate than any tarot card mystic or blind old witch - GUARANTEED!*

predictions of the robotic oracle

The Robotic Oracle is a interractive installation preditcing visitors' futures based their postcode and data from the ONS. The visitors are encouraged to text their postcode, then wait for their prediction to be printed by one of the four robots. There are over 40 types responses each including dynamic data, rendering them all unique.

predictions of the robotic oracle predictions of the robotic oracle

Each Robot has its own personality and favourite topics. However, their heart warming apperances and the magic feeling when the ticket gets printed out of their little heads quickly give place to the malaise of their harsh predictions. Should robots really be left in charge?

predictions of the robotic oracle
predictions of the robotic oracle predictions of the robotic oracle predictions of the robotic oracle predictions of the robotic oracle


Team: Adeline O’Moreau, Anthony Cossins, Jon Ryder, Zdenek Hynek
Made for Signal Noise's #placeyourbets exhibition as part of the London Design Festival

* Fortunes may go down as well as up. Please soothsay responsibly.